Dear all,
The day started at 7h00, because Diana should leave for work at 7h30.
Thank you so much Diana for your kind hosting! Anytime in Lisbon let me know. I will be more than happy to host you and show you around! The same for you Chris! Cheers!!
Yesterday night I did not access to the internet, so I planned only with the map to take the main road from Parnu towards Tallin and somewhere after Marjamaa, head towards Paldiski and from there cycling route number 1 again to Tallin. The cycling route 1 goes really all the way along the costline and also on the islands, so I had no chance this time to make all that route.
In the morning I remembered that when approaching to Parnu I saw signs for cycling routes 2 and 5, so I decided to check where that goes. If you plan to visit Estonia by bicycle, just check this website:
It has all the information you need to know about the routes (well, maybe not the places for sleeping, but the routes itself)! Then, as I wrote yesterday, navigating is very easy!
So, the cycling route 2 is about 250km, connecting Parnu and Tallin, passing also on the waterfalls, that should be interesting. And avoiding the main road seemed a good plan to me. Bit heavy in what it concerns to cycling, but yeah, it will be the last 2 days on the road!
After the "internet stuff" I went to the beach to take some picture and look for a place for breakfast.
Fully packed and ready to go! At the beach in Parnu |
Didn't go swimming today! |
The weather was looking quite scary but luckly was just a threat:
Will it rain? |
When I was searching for a place to eat I passed near a nice hotel, with a nice name:
Sorry for the low quality of the next picture, but I like the phrase and thought that I should shareit with you :
Nice phrase! |
I made a small stop at tourism information point to send some postcards and they suggested me to cross the river and catch the cycling paths towards the cycling routes later on.
Crossing the river in Parnu |
I had already about 30 km of cycling when I found out the following sign:
That would mean that no way to think of doing less than 110 km today!
Cycling route number 2 is very nice, with the views changing quite often:
Morning light on cycling route 2 |
Keeping strong, building some kilometers! |
Very nice road |
One thing that is impressive is the amount of apple trees you find. There is a lot in the yards of houses and even on the roads:
Apple trees! Very very low traffic |
As already told, navigating on this cycling routes is very easy and this one takes you on this brigde ( it does shake a lot when you cross it):
Indiana Jones bridge |
On the other side of the bridge you will find about 10 to 15 km of gravel road, but somehow soft:
Gravel road |
Back to the tarmac roads some kilometers after:
Countryside Estonia |
Playing with shadow and bike |
I cannot remember exactly who told me (Marta or Zita), but this type of tree, when it gets this colour, somehow indicates the end of summer and beginning of the autumm:
Endof summer sign |
End of summer! |
One thing but me told about the Estonians: you see some bicycles on your way and very seldom they don't wave back! Seems friendly!
Cycling on route 2 |
Keeping strong after 80 km on the legs |
You gotta love these views |
There is also one thing that is very typical in here. They seize the warm season for storing wood that will use for winter time. Afterall, they will have -30 degrees in some months:
Having a break! |
Not much time way, it come the 100 km milestone of the day:
Reaching 100 km on the day! |
On a crossing, you can really understand how simple it is to navigate through the cycling routes in Estonia:
I kept on route 2, despite the extra kilometers |
At the end of the day! |
I could not find the hotel at the next city and it was there where I took the picture of the day. I actually stayed at the next town, 5 km after.
Me in Vaatsa |
I arrived to the hotel already at night. It is a bit expensive, 47Euro, but nice. Did not find any campings andis rather cold outside. Guest houses could be a possibility, butb.i felt like ending the day as soon as possible to rest!
Somehow late at night I got a reply from Katre, saying that she will be in Tallin and can host me! Great news!! Cheers Katre!!
Summary of the day:
- Daily distance: 124,18 km
- Daily time: 6h55m39s
- Average speed: 18,09 km/h
- Maximum speed: 51,93 km/h
- Total traveled so far: 1169,72 km
- Total time cycling: 65h42m21s
And that is all for now folks!