sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013

Day 20 - Paide - Tallin

Dear all,

The alarm clock woke me up at 8h30. I wanted to wake up earlier, but I was in fact a bit tired...

Hotel's breakfast was not that good, but a ate the most I could for facing the long day I had ahead of me.

Fully packed and ready to go!

I started cycling, happy that I would reach my goal of arriving to Tallin!

Last day of cycling

No surprising, I was about to 120 km from destination:

About 120 km to go!

Today was a day of much cycling, my left knee was hurting for the first 20 km, but I was determined to reach Tallin no matter what! I recall that I made over 44 km in the first 2 hours of cycling, quite good pace!

After a few more kilometers, the bicycle has completed 2000 km since I bought it in April! It also meant that since Southern Lithuania I have cycled 1000 km. Good!

2000 km!
2000 km on the wheels!

Views on cycling route 2 change quite often. I was not taking much pictures, but here it is a glimpse for you:

Cycling route 2, Estonia
Cycling route 2, Estonia
Cycling route 2, Estonia
Cycling route 2, Estonia

There are sometimes complete informations regarding the distances, along the cycling route:

Information point on cycling route 2. 78 km to go!

The weather somehow started to change but I was far to believe that would be seriou. Afterall, from all the cycling, I only got rain in Poland! Crossed all Lithuania and Latvia without a single drop, don't tell me that will rain on the last cycling day in Estonia!

Rain gear on!
Rainy weather!
Mood not affected, at all!

Well, it got a bit more serious when the lightnings started to strike. Never got it if you should stop (under a tree?) or because you have rubber tires, if you should just proceed. Welll, I did cintinued with the cycling!

The result, was close to this:

Sweeping away the rain!

People use to say: "You can't have a rainbow without a little rain". But what does it mean a little rain? Anyway, here you have the rainbow:


There was a little frog crossin the road. I stopped to take some pictures and rest my legs a bit, afterall i had already cycled almost 100 km.

Friendly Estonian (I guess) frog!
Wanna ride buddy?

Cycling continued, and soon there is a place where 3 of cycling routes gather together:

Unfortunatly I have to turn left here!

After a few kilometers there are the waterfalls of Jagalla. They should be nicer in spring with more water, as the water flow was just enough to fulfil half of the river bank!

I got (again, and for the third time in three days - four times in all this trip), the 100km milestone in a day!

Cruising at 21 km/h, 100 km cycled so far!
Low quality self portrait

From the signs you get to know that Estonian cycling routes are integrated in the EuroVelo cycling routes. It would be nice that all the countries would have their routes fully signed as in Estonia.

NorthCapemto Athens seems a good idea!

Still not in Tallin, but some celebration already starting (not so easy to cycle, celebrate and take photos. I am a men, afterall)!

Close to Tallin
Celebration continues

I had many photo ideas to when I would arrive to Tallin, as the picture of the day, another one carrying the bike... But arriving to Tallin on this cycling route is somehow a disappointment. I did not see any sign and the cycling rout 2 finnishes like this:

End of cycling route 2

I headed to the centre and phoned Katre to know where to meet. I was kind of exhausted, so I am sorry for those pictures:

Made it till Tallin!
Tallin' mais square
Exhausted Peter Lamb in Tallin

It was very nice to see Katre again in Tallin and went out for a dinner and talk a bit more.

Thank you so much for hosting me again Katre! Cheers!!


Summary of the day:

  • Daily distance: 140,76 km (longest day of whole trip)
  • Daily time: 7h48m51s (longest time I spent on bike in a day - still less than going to work!)
  • Average speed: 18,15 km/h
  • Maximum speed: 34,51 km/h


  • Total traveled: 1310,48 km
  • Total time cycling: 73h31m12s (slighthly over 3 days!)


And that is all for now folks!





1 comentário:

  1. Congratlaions for reaching your goal! We are impressed about your adventure and about the cycling distances at the end of your journey. Wishing you good luck starting to be inside all days and getting to work again......
    With love
    Cor & Carla
